Live Show: 9/15/99


Toronto, ON

Reviewed by: Jen

The Details

It would seem weird for someone like me, who has never posted a show review, to post a review about an appearance on a talk show, but i need an excuse to put off doing my project a little more...

Whee! My daddy, my non-fruhead friend danielle and I set off to TO for the taping. I had received ticket #143, so we were directed to the balcony, along with a few other fellow nose-bleeders. And lucky me, i get to sit in the corner where i could hardly see, and also behind a very annoying man who decided to position himself directly in front of my line of vision every possible chance he got!

The crowd was amused by the "talents" of a handful of audiance participants just prior to taping... first prize went to a guy who could kick himself in the head *g*. When the taping began, Mike Bullard decided to acknowledge a certain fruhead in the crowd (*cough* CAM *cough*) who had chosen to bring a sign, which said, among other things, " hello to all the people on #moxyfruvous", which of course led to the requisite Bullard comment along the lines of "I just saw the band, and I can assure you there is nobody *on* them, sir." For those of you who have never seen an episode of Open Mike, let me just say that the host’s sense of humour- which many find incredibly obnoxious – is utilized through picking on and insulting people in the audience. A person with a sign is an extremely large target!

The first guest up was Harry Connick, jr, who happens to be one of my very favourite musicians. I just about dropped the phone when the ticket guy told me he was a scheduled guest! So I planned to bring along one of his cds I own as well as a camera and do the whole geeky fan thing, should I get a chance to meet him. (no such luck- he took off right after his segment, presumably to get back the the int’nl film fest :( ).

Dr David Suzuki was the next guest, and he presented us with a colourful explanation of a penis-lengthening device, and plugged his upcoming show, which would feature said device. (gee, what a great show I picked to go to my DAD with! *g*).

After phallic man, Fruvous delivered a wonderful rendition of Spatter Splatter, which quite impressed danielle (hmm… possible convert?). Mike’s vocals seemed very… unusual. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but he sounded a lot diffeernt, and very awesome! My dad also had a great time, as he was impressed and amused by Mr. Connick’s accent :).

After the show a bunch of fruheads stuck around and headed off to a restaurant. We were going to join them then, but me and my friend ended up sticking around for a long time, as we had become involved in conversation with two stage/camera guys, who were shamelessly flirting with us. Not that I minded :). The one that I was talking to had tiny corkscrew curls and beared a striking resemblance to (*drool*) Vince Vaughn... (did anyone at the taping SEE this guy?? HEL-lo!). Me and danielle will be heading up for another taping soon :)

So after that, my dad, danielle and I headed down to the restaurant and soon came (IMO) the funniest comment of the nite, found in my sig below :D. After that we headed off to check out the infamous Hill House (MC's, hK's, mike wood's and tobey’s dwelling) and then headed off for home.

I had a fun time, and I'm glad I went, even tho I didn’t make it to school the next day :P

Allo to all I met for the first time and it was great to see the familiar faces again!

Misc. Info

Some other tidbits from the performance include:

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