Fruvous Quill (#9 June '96)

Früvous Quill (#9 June '96)

Are You A Frühead?!?

Payback Time.

Over the last couple of years certain legions of Früvous fans and friends have dusted off their respective scooters, jalopies, and Lincoln Town Cars to embark on mini road-trips following Moxy Früvous shows from city to city. A couple of these groups have already coined themselves "Früheads". Now we've decided it's time to start rewarding people for such pyschopathic dedication. That's right; gifts, prizes, renumeration, "backsheesh", and so much more - read on...

Greetings from Früvous! We trust that this letter finds you in good health and, conversely, doesn't harm you in any way.

First of all, we wish you a happy and prosperous spring. We realise that this Quill comes to you hard on the heels of the previous one, but we couldn't help ourselves - weather like this fills us with the kind of pep we usually can't get without a trip to the drugstore. We know that, if you're at all like us, you're spending these glorious spring days reading Proust, supping on strawberries, bathing in Merlot, and staring beside you at the head of the postman on an embossed silver platter. The season of seasons, to be sure!

But the purpose of this Quill isn't just personal braggadocio. We would like to tell you what the band has been up to. We have just finished three months of intense traipsing that took us across more continents than we could name, through more cities that we can remember, and in front of more people than the number of people who wash regularly. Concert dates south of the Canada-U.S. "border" saw our audiences double, treble, and even tremble at some Früvous shows. We welcome aboard the new Früvous fans, and ask the old fans to make room for the new fans at their table...and to share their pie.

England was a blast as well. Too much fun, in fact. And do you know why? Because the English know the exact limitations of the human body. This is very valuable information at three-thirty in the morning at the Wheatsheaf Tavern in Slough. We also had the great good fortune to impress someone of influence enough to be invited back for the Phoenix and W.O.M.A.D. festivals this summer! We don't know who that person was, but we suspect that it was an obscure Admiral in the shadow-navy. So, as they say in Manchester - "Encore une fois!"


From the society papers comes the news that the words "in sin" no longer apply to Mike's living arrangements! Yes folks, on Saturday, May 11th, Früman and Quill dessinateur Michael John Ford and the unspeakably lovely Therese Kelko Dineen were wed in a bacchanalian ceremony. According to insiders, the two have been living together for "a while" along with Terri's daughter (and future olympian) Jacqueline. "An excellent chance to play dress-up!", sang the three, in close harmony. Feliciations!

Now, finally, the BIG NEWS of the Quill; the reason for the "great disturbance in the Force" that so many of you have been writing to us about. We, Moxy Früvous, are please and proud to announce the introduction of the Frühead card! How does it work? Well, it's simple. Every time you go to a show, make your way to the merchandise table/area and present your card in order to be stamped. Collect stamps and win prizes! Here's what you can win:

Well, that's all from the boys. We thank you again for supporting us in this mad enterprise. A special thanks to all who have written us. We read every letter of every word of every letter, but unfortunately time does not permit us to respond to all of them personally. We'll be recording our next album in the fall, so watch out for that and for new material in the set this summer. Until then, may all of your cancelled surgery be elective!

mf May '96

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